This blog is not
going to be about the ideal layout and paint colours in the place I
want to live. Rather it is about a place, almost existing, which has
squatted resolutely in the back of my imagination for almost as long
as I can remember. I believe, though my mother has no memory of it,
that I visited this place (or at least it's direct predecessor)
before it took up a spot in my dreams.
The place I remember
visiting was an old house in England that belonged to a friend of the
family. It wasn't quite big enough to be called a manor house, but
it was certainly where I think somebody posh might live. I remember
it had a big hall with double doors and a large staircase in the
centre leading up to the floor above. The gardens as well I
remember, with several long greenhouses and more than one lawn or
field. The whole place was somewhat decrepit, as there was only one
rather old man living there on his own, so some of the greenhouses
and much of the gardens were untended. Inside the house I remember
that there were things, that honestly is the crux of this memory, a
huge number of things of a marvellous variety.
It is at this point
where I think the house in my head begins to diverge most definitely
from the house which I actually visited. I remember paintings on the
walls, I remember large fish pinned up there too, but I also have a
sense of glass cases filled with items on display. Clockwork marvels
and old toys, fancy jewellery and delicate models. In some of the
side rooms these things, all interesting to various degrees, might be
piled up high, with rocking horses in front of old chests in front of
collections of antique weapons. It feels very clear to me now as I
describe it, and I know that I have dreamed of being there many
times, but I also know that I have never actually physically seen
this place, at least not a place that was anything other than a pale
shadow of what lives in my mind.
I have read various
stories which make me think of this wonderful home. Hogwarts in the
Harry potter novels has some elements which are reminiscent. The
most striking to me was the castle in the Gormenghast books, with the
huge rooms filled with old heirlooms and once beloved items, along
with the whole place's general sense of decay and being past its
prime. Other things occasionally bring it up, computer games (like
Resident Evil and Eternal Darkness) or even things like the X-Mansion
in X-men, but never to quite the same degree.
Why then, am I
writing about this now? Well I have tried to put this place into
novels and short stories many times (I can think of six examples off
the top of my head) with various degrees of success and I find now
that it looks as though my next novel takes place in this mansion.
As a result I've been thinking a bit about what it is, what part of
my head it is that has built this place and likes so fervently to go
there. I have many theories, perhaps it is some representation of a
part of my childhood wonderment which has been lost to the adult
world, maybe it is a how I see the muddled mess of my heritage,
perhaps it is just the method that my introverted childhood mind used
to catalogue the world around him. All of these are nice, but none
of them seem to fit fully.
The idea which I
keep coming back to is that perhaps my liking this imaginary house is
like dragons or horses. What I mean by that is that there are
certain people (of which I know more than a few) who will like pretty
much anything a lot more if it just happens to contain one of their
favourite things (dragons or horses being particularly concise
examples). I believe such favourite things are a path set in the
mind very early on in our lives such that when we re-encounter them
later on in the context of movies or books, those fictional things
are suddenly bathed in just a touch of the warm glow of childhood,
they gain some of our love for that other, older thing. As a result
there is no meaning to be gleaned people liking these things, it
doesn't indicate anything about their personality except that to them
those things mean more. Perhaps this grand old house is touched in
that way for me and I hope that will translate into an extra jolt of
energy in my writing about it.